Narration Playlist: news23 月・火、Nスタ 木・金 (4:05 News Dig - 4:42きょうのイチメン)


3/24 Third baby

終於, 並不意外, 是預想的可能之一, 祝福, (但整件事的處理方式還是覺得有點...)


Treasure & Food for my Soul

The moment you saw me,
you throw a glorious smile that killed me.
I could linger at that glimpse forever,
savor the unexpected ecstasy, repeatedly.


2020 Day by Day

Music: KT Tunstall - "Universe & U"

Usually I'll post the summation video of Sylwia-san's previous year on her birthday, but this year: 1. I'm a bit busy, unable to finish the edit in time 2. her unexplained absence makes me so upset, it's painful to finish it, but the first quarter of this year is almost over, let me just do this, no matter what.


Billie Holiday - "Strange Fruit"

基於內容主題的血腥悲慘, 實在很難讓人說"喜歡"或任何正面形容詞, 但這首詩詞的魔力確實令人難忘, 加上爵士名伶Billie Holiday沉痛憂鬱的詮釋, 成就了一首控訴兼具藝術的經典。
詩詞的完成度太高, 有點想挑戰又不敢出手亂翻, 用詞不深不難, 極簡卻鮮活的寫實/寫景/寫社會議題, 韻腳對仗工整, 令人起雞皮疙瘩的堪稱完美。

Song list of '21 Q1

MARINA - Purge The Poison  Retro Campy Cheeky Salem vibe + Rocky Horror + Oz

Girls, cheer me up

Girls, cheer me up, without my daily dose, I really need some laughter and distraction.

Hannah Einbinder@Late Show with Stephen Colbert (The girl got style)