Narration Playlist: news23 月・火、Nスタ 木・金 (4:05 News Dig - 4:42きょうのイチメン)


6/1 安倍說明記者會

無外景  Wed  7/10
礙眼的不在也好, S坐鎮棚內, 今天ST總時數雖短但幾乎都是高品質的特寫, 且髮妝服裝俱優
東京都議會開議, 舛添都知事針對金錢問題只避重就輕談了不到兩分鐘
謝罪並強調往後不會再坐頭等艙, 並將加強公務車使用規範/S為字幕錯誤道歉
今天是特別編制, NAR和特輯暫停一回/篇幅幾乎都浪費在轉播安倍記者會
聽他談兩天前就知道的"新聞", 牽強的說明消費增稅延後2年半的理由
結束前再重新整理記者會的精華版內容重點 (基本上根本沒什麼重點)
簡言之: "我誠摯的接受外界批評, 但無論你們說什麼, 我想做的就是要硬幹, 黨內我都喬好了, 
短視的民意只要不要動到他們的錢包也勢必站在我這邊, 你們在野黨也不能怎樣"

Pt.1: 東京都議會開議外界關切舛添都知事會說什麼, 但跟金錢問題相關的內容只談了不到兩分鐘
大企業的就業活動今天解禁, 各公司使出各種手段吸引人才
擦皮鞋熱潮悄悄再起, 現在流行店鋪型擦鞋服務/安倍G7提出的雷曼兄弟破產資料作成的舞台內幕
政府擬推和食調理技能認證制度保護飲食文化, 但同時卻以雙重標準輕輕帶過日本變化別國料理的事實
生活新聞介紹Time out精選池袋5大去處(KY)
Sounds like bunch of empty promises & weak arguments. It's always easier to find some excuses to fit the preconceived conclusion. I don't understand how people can keep on putting the trust on a political opportunist who will go back on his own words and deliver very little. And I didn't find him convincing nor did he read the prompter very well. Wishful thinking and reality is totally different things. Didn't people already gave him many years and countless chances to experiment his "unsuccessful" self-promoting theory? My first impression is he's trying to drag and buying time, hope something might turn out well during this 2 and half years. but that's probably not gonna happen. what if it goes the other way? It's never the right timing to take money from people's pockets. And it's against human nature to hope people might support something that will directly impact them financially, in fact if you give people choice, instead of choosing something that might be good for them in the long term, but feels uncomfortable immediately, they are most likely to choose the easy way out. but point is, is that the right thing to do? what's the tax increase for? why raise the consumption tax from 5% to 8%? why not postpone it then? 
the global economy is bad, or need to increase domestic demand is not news. that's weak excuses.
Sorry, but I don't think go with the flow of popular opinion, and postpone the difficult decision (that needs to be done eventually) for someone else is "wise or hard" in any way. It's the government's job to do the unpopular right choice for the country, you do the right things even if people might hate you for it. They need 嫌われる勇気. 
I don't know which decision is the best, but at the end, you will face the consequence as a whole.