Narration Playlist: news23 月・火、Nスタ 木・金 (4:05 News Dig - 4:42きょうのイチメン)


Alicia Keys - “Holy War”

中譯 by Bone
If war is holy and sex is obscene
倘若戰爭是神聖 而性是淫穢的
Then we got it twisted in this lucid dream
那在這清明夢中 我們的觀念可是被大大的扭曲了
Baptized in boundaries, schooled in sin
受到邊界受洗 罪愆的教育
Divided by difference, sexuality and skin

So we can hate each other and fear each other
We can build these walls between each other
在你我之間 築起一道牆
Baby, blow by blow and brick by brick
寶貝 一舉一動  一磚一瓦
Keep yourself locked in, yourself locked in
你將自我封閉 自我封閉
Yeah, we can hate each other and fear each other
是啊 我們可以選擇仇視、恐懼彼此
We can build these walls between each other
在你我之間 築起一道牆
Baby, blow by blow and brick by brick
寶貝 一舉一動  一磚一瓦
Keep yourself locked in, yourself locked
你將自我封閉 自我封閉

*Maybe we should love somebody
Maybe we could care a little more
Maybe we should love somebody
Instead of polishing the bombs of holy war
與其擦拭聖戰的砲彈 也許我們可以試著多愛一點

What if sex was holy and war was obscene
假如性才是神聖 而戰爭是汙穢的
And it wasn't twisted, what a wonderful dream
一切都沒被扭曲 這將是個多棒的夢
Living for love, unafraid of the end
為愛而生 無畏末日
Forgiveness is the only real revenge

So we can heal each other and fill each other
這樣我們才能夠癒合 彼此互補
We can break these walls between each other
Baby, blow by blow and brick by brick
寶貝 一舉一動  一磚一瓦
Keep yourself open, yourself open
保持開放的心態 將自己敞開
We can heal each other and fill each other
我們可以相互癒合 彼此互補
We can break these walls between each other
Baby, blow by blow and brick by brick
寶貝 一舉一動  一磚一瓦
Keep yourself open, yourself open
保持開放的心態 將自己敞開


What if love is holy and hate is obscene
假如愛才是神聖 而恨是汙穢的
We should give life to this beautiful dream
我們應該給這美夢 一線生機
Cause peace and love ain't so far
因為愛與和平 其實並不遙遠
If we nurse our wounds before they scar
假使我們傷痕結痂之前 好好照料傷口
Nurse our wounds before they scar
在傷痕結痂之前 使其癒合