Narration Playlist: news23 月・火、Nスタ 木・金 (4:05 News Dig - 4:42きょうのイチメン)


4/1 新年度April Fool

無外景  Tue  6/10
堀尾distasteful April Fool開場; 新年度開始
理研STAP論文調查的最終報告認定有不正行為, 小保方表示無法接受並將提出抗議
(我較注意前排左二髮色帶點銀灰光澤, 有混血感的這位)
還有シルビア當年青澀的模樣, 好可愛~ 
接手"Oh Baystar 2014"的由未子要和DeNA啦啦隊一起跳舞
生活新聞介紹日售數千個的: 咖啡麵包/甜點/餃子等食材的秘密 (小倉/熊崎)
捕鯨爭議判決的影響, 與飲食文化的兩難 (最近很愛用實物Demo)
8%新稅制首日各地的混亂狀況, 增加的文書負擔和生活上的改變,
安倍經濟的關鍵時刻 (Natalie)/政府變更"武器輸出三原則", 增加新原則
特輯介紹上野公園週末30萬人次的賞花百態: 投入的外國人/走失/醉漢/受傷送醫
Natalie基本上就是取代了古谷的職務, 最後還開了個"小林笑話"
Horio-san: please don't joke about this kind of thing. this is the 2nd time in 2 weeks that you implied about the fate of the show. you're not some imaginative anonymous source at 2ch, you actually work on the show, as the main personality! you're probably not aware of it, but this kind of implication is horrifying for people love the show. in case you didn't notice, two of TBS' long-running shows just ended a few days ago. I know you just want to have fun, and April fool is my favorite holiday. but here's a tip about April fool, joke about things so preposterous it obviously can't be true, but deliver in the most sincere way, it's all about the delivery. Thank you.



Obsession is a solo practice~ Be a polite trespasser