Narration Playlist: news23 月・火、Nスタ 木・金 (4:05 News Dig - 4:42きょうのイチメン)


Blythe Baird - “Girl Code 101” 女孩教戰守則

Aggressive rhythmic of a genius! Love it.
Girl Code 101 女孩基礎教戰守則
中譯 by Bone
We are the finaglers. The exceptions.
我們都是奸詐鬼 最愛開例外
The girls who have not run the mile in four years,
who layer deep V-necks with excuses.
透過深V領口 編織無數藉口
Eyelashes bat wiffle balls at the male gym teachers.

We are the girls taught to survive by using our bodies as Swiss army knives,
calculated scrunched nose giggles and friendly forearm lingers
算計好的擠鼻弄眼傻笑 和友好的勾住手臂撒嬌
"你真風趣-請別碰我" 應對因人而異

We convince ourselves there is protection in being polite.
我們說服自己 保持禮貌是金鐘罩
No, you can go first. Girls: we have to be nice.
"不, 你先請" 我們女孩都該親切待人
Male kindness is so alien to us, we assume it is seduction every time.
男性的善意如此陌生 我們屢屢假設他們別有所圖

We remember age 9, the first time we are catcalled.
還記得9歲時 我們首次被言語騷擾
12, fraudulent bodies calling us women before we have the chance to.
12歲 狡詐的體搶先宣告我們已成為女人
13, the year dad says wearing short skirts in the city is like driving without a seat belt.
13歲 那年爸爸說穿著短裙外出 就好比無照行車 出事自找
15, we are the unmarked tardies, waived detentions,
15歲 即便姍姍來遲 我們也能免於懲處
honorable mentions in lush floral dresses.
16, we are the public school mannequins.
16歲 我們是公立學校的假人模型 (花瓶)
17, we know the answer but do not raise our hands.
17歲 即便知道解答 我們卻不敢在課堂上舉手強出頭
Instead, we are answering to guidance counselors who ask us,Well, what were you wearing?
反而 只能回答輔導員的疑問 "你當時是不是穿得很過火?"

Their voices: clink-less toasts.
他們的聲音 在沉默中敬酒
We are let off the hook from hall monitors,
retired football coaches who blow kisses and whisper
在高中的餐廳, 退休的足球隊教練
Little Miss Lipstick into our ears in the high school cafeteria. We shiver,
拋飛吻邊在我們耳邊呢喃"小美人", 我們顫抖
but hey- at least we still get away without wearing our student ID’s.
但那又怎樣 至少我們沒掛學生證也沒事

This is not female privilege; this is survival of the prettiest.
這 不叫做"女性特權" 這是"美者生存"
We are playing the first game we learned how to.
We are the asses smacked by boys who made welcome mats of our yoga pants.
We are easily startled. Who wouldn't be?
我們很容易受驚 誰不會呢?
We are barked at from the street.
在大街上 我們被吠叫咆哮
We are the girls petrified of the business school boys who were taught to manifest success by refusing to take no for an answer.
我們這些女孩 怕死了被教導"所謂成功意即拒絕被人拒絕"的商學院男孩

And I wonder what it says about me that I feel pretty in a dress,
但我納悶 穿裙時覺得自己美美的
but powerful in a suit.
唯著褲裝時才感到有力的我 又算什麼呢?

If misogyny has been coiled inside of me for so long I forget 
I will not stand before an impatient judge with an Adam’s apple, hand grasping gavel, ready to pound a wooden mark.
我將拒絕 站在不耐地吞嚥喉結 手持木槌 蓄勢待發的法官面前
Give me a God I can relate to.
Commandments from a voice both soft and powerful.
Give me one accomplishment of Mary’s that did not involve her vagina.
Give me decisions, a wordless wardrobe, an opinion-less dress.
給我決定權 如無言的服飾 一件不受議論的洋裝
Give me a city where my body is not public property.
許我一個城市 在那裡 我的身體不會是公物

Once, my friend and I got catcalled on Michigan avenue
某次 我和朋友在密歇根大道被路人出言騷擾
and she said Fuck You
她回罵 "幹你娘!"
while I said Thank You, like I was trained to.
我卻反射性回答 "謝謝" 一如從小到大的訓練

                – Blythe Baird
首本詩集: Give Me A God I Can Relate To  $ 15.99