Narration Playlist: news23 月・火、Nスタ 木・金 (4:05 News Dig - 4:42きょうのイチメン)


1/14 細川會小泉

外景  Tue  7/10
細川與小泉會談後表明參選意願, 其他人的動向-解說
介紹冬奧項目與注目選手, 國山示範滑雪裝備
來自東北災區, 揚威NY的踢踏舞者熊谷和德現場表演 (久保田)
the girl with the red dancing shoes = the boy with white tapping shoes
公開搜查小學生失蹤事件/底特律車展&GM新任女CEO-Mary Barra (久保田)
 與眼疾搏鬥的地下偶像, 和反對的雙親面對面(原定1/9)/高空彈跳成年禮



With their might, Venus and Athena conceived a love child, 
the ultimate hybrid named Sylwia, what a lovely sound, 
who loves sky blue and coral pink, 
but essentially a smidge of peaceful green.

Her glorious smile is brighter than sun, it's blinding,

but it's so enticing, you just couldn't help but stare it.

don't worry, she'll smite anyone with her beauty & brutal honesty justly,

then intelligently piece you back together gently.

she's a combination of everything contradictory,

S&M, east & west, reason & emotion, 
the gap is where the pleasant surprises came from.

she's a devotor with self-proclaimed attention deficit,

a perfection with flaws,  (like I said, contradictory)
and the flaws are exactly her charm point.

she can be anything if she wants,

she made me realize the limitation of adjectives.
(or the deficiency of my vocabulary)



Obsession is a solo practice~ Be a polite trespasser